….In my nearly 33 years.  Some crazy things indeed. But today’s shenanigans just might take the cake. (MMmmmm, cake.)

Here’s how it went down.

I was sitting innocently enough at my desk today.
Plugging away, typing when I felt a strange feeling.  The ole Swim Bike Mom itch. The I-gotta-do-something-crazy-right-now or I will otherwise go to McDonald’s and order the Filet ‘O Fish.

But before I do crazy things, I usually consult with two people.

First, of course, I consult The Expert. Because he knows everything and he’s my husband, and that’s how we roll.

Next, I consult the Coach Crazy himself. So I cleared my nutty idea with the Expert.  After some emails back and forth with the Monster, then Coach Monster called me.

A final phone call before the Crazy Deal was sealed. The phone call …which went something like this:

Coach M:   I think you will do it, and I think there is 100% no doubt in my mind that you can do it. But you are going to have to commit to this.  And I don’t mean kinda commit.  I mean serious. No doubts. Change your mindset. Get your head around it. Win the bodyweight and food battle. You must get behind your dream and to stand firm for the next….

Me:              …for the next 10 months…

Coach M:  For the next 10 months.  You have to make this happen.  You and no one else. This is serious. You can do it, and I believe you will.  The question is: do you believe?

Me:             [pause]  I actually do believe. Which is why I think I might be insane.

Coach M:   Your insanity is another discussion for another day.  Do it.  You can do it. 

Me:              Can you handle me for the next 10 months? Will you be here?

Coach M:   (laughing). I will be charging $5000 a week…

Me:              I would almost pay that. 

So I ended my phone call with my genius coach.

I opened up my web browser.

I clicked on a special website.

I filled out some forms.

I entered some credit card information.

I clicked, Submit.

[Then I threw up a little in my mouth.]

316 days. 10 months.

I’m passing on Florida.  I’m going to the land of the potatoes.  Cold water, huge hills and a place I never thought I’d go….


Watch out Ironman Coeur d’Alene.  Swim Bike Mom is coming for you.  You’ve may have never seen such goofiness in such a beautiful place.  But you will.  In 10 months.

Let the Fun Begin.

Ironman Coeur d’Alene
2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 run.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 



89 Responses

  1. WOW. Congratulations!

    Please blog more about how you came to choose Coeur D’Alene.

    I know if I ever got the desire to train for a full C’DA would be my first choice for a US IM branded race. Absolutely and without question.

    Good luck!!!!!

  2. Woooooooo!!! So excited for you!! My ironman is 97 days away after anticipating for 364 days so I understand completely! Can’t wait to follow your training!

  3. YAY!!I felt it coming!! That is awesome….I actually threw up a little in my mouth for you!! LOL And I think you might have just pushed me to compete in a Half end of next summer….which will be just 8(short) months from me delivering my second child!( Final Decisoin to be made post-delivery when my hormones are more balanced) HAHA

  4. Awesome! That’s a beautiful race venue! You’ll love it! And Coach M has done IM CdA many times….so he’ll make sure you’re prepared!

  5. You can do it!!!! Bold move. I’m looking forward to you sharing your journey with all of us.

  6. So excited for you! Of course you can do it and be the pioneer for some of the rest of us. Can’t wait to follow along on your journey.

  7. Well, I might just have to make the 2 hour drive to see this! Welcome to my neck of the woods! Gorgeous scenery, cold water. You can do it!

  8. Saw your picture and knew you were doing CdA without even reading the thread. Its my favorite place on the planet. Heaven on earth and my first IM. It will be fantastic…enjoy the journey!

  9. Guess this means I won’t see you at IM Raleigh June 2nd??? You rock!!! A true inspiration!!

  10. Whoooooo-hoo! You will SO rock it, not just because you’re a) totally awesome and well-coached; b) you have a loving partner in your hubby; but c) with all these crazy fellow SBMs sending you happy kick-ass mojo there’s no way you won’t rock it!!! Congrats!

  11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dedicate yourself and you can do anything! good luck to you!

  12. WOW!! I am still in shock. You are such a super star. I have been scared to death to think about pulling the trigger on such things. I would really like to do a half iron…but I barely survived my first Olympic..but maybe you just gave me the itch and…dare I say courage! Excited to follow your journey!

  13. Holy cow! I envy you! don’t know that I”d ever be able to do that. BUT year ago I would never have thought I’d be doing any triathlon!!

  14. Yay yay yay!!!! I have a few friends who just did it and they absolutely loved it! Said it was gorgeous and the crowd support was freakin amazing! The training is hard and long but you can do it! I swear we all experience a big lapse in sanity when we sign up for an IM. but now you’re committed so woohoo!

  15. WOW!!! You go girl!! I know of a few people who have done C’DA and they’ve loved it (after they thawed out from the swim)! You are amazing and so inspiring. I am having the half IM chat with my husband again and am going to plan on Vineman 70.3 on July 14, 2013 (my birthday). I can’t wait to follow your training journey. You ROCK!

  16. OMG! I got goose bumps! I am so excited for you! I just told my husband and he said I should too! I am gonna think about it, but you inspire the hell out of me!

  17. You’ve got a sense of humor on your side, so you can do anything. I almost snorted wine out my nose when I read the threw up a little part. You will rock this in SBM style and we will all be cheering you on the whole way! (and maybe get a little inspired too?)

  18. awesome!!! i live a few hours from coeur d’alene and think it will be worth the trip alone… it’s a gorgeous place!

    ps you’re totally an inspiration. i just finished my first sprint and am even more inspired now. : ) thanks!!

  19. OMG – I almost feel like doing this too…you may just push me over the edge…let me think about this for awhile…

    Congrats Meredith – I can’t believe you pushed that button!!!

  20. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!! You are such an inspiration to me. It’s easy to get these crazy dreams, but it takes such courage to do it. You got it girl!!!

  21. Yes it’s insane. Yes it’s crazy. That’s why it is SO perfect! We who do triathlons are all a little certifiable. But in a good healthy way! Go SBM!

  22. Congrats on signing up! Getting up the nerve to do so is tough! I had a feeling ironman would be next for you, but I was secretly hoping you would be at ironman Louisville with me next year. IM CDA is an epic race and will be awesome!

    You will rock this race, I just know it! I did ironman Louisville 11 months after doing my first ever sprint tri. If I can do that, you can attack IM CDA with all your experience. Looking forward to reading about your ironman journey

  23. Coeur d’Alene is beautiful (as clearly displayed in the pictures) – I am hoping my husband will do it for his next Ironman. Good luck to you! I know you can do this!

  24. Love. This. Those practically mirror the reasons I would do it. I went to law school up there (Gonzaga) and Lake Coeur D’Alene and the town are breathtaking. I’m sure there will be nothing like (or needed) like the camaraderie with those at your gym who are doing it.

    As my big 2012 race gets closer I feel that a lot with the other lottery winners. I’m so excited for you!!

  25. I was at lunch with a friend who I had recommended your blog to (although she’s not a triathlete — yet), and she told me about your big news. I’ve learned that triathlon really changes one’s perspective. I have always thought an IM was totally and utterly insane. But it seems a little less insane than it once did. With your commitment and the support of your friends and family, I know you can do it.

  26. Cindy – were you able to land a spot for the Vineman 70.3 on July 14, 2013? I was about to sign up 2 days after that race’s registration opened and was disappointed to find out it sold out in about one day. I wanted to do it since July 14 is my birthday too – I will be turning 46! I signed up for Barb’s race which is 2 weeks later (same place, same distance – 1/2 Ironman distance) and the cool thing is this race is the only all women 1/2 ironman distance race available. 🙂

  27. Oh wow! I just bought your book and thought I’d poke around on your blog a bit too… didn’t realize this was just a week away! Good luck!!! You’ll do awesome!! And I love your book so far, btw. You rock 🙂

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