Stop the Excuses. No, Seriously. Stop.

I’m just talking to myself here.  I don’t want anyone to get offended at the tone of this post.  Just pretend that I am writing it to myself. [That way, we can all make more excuses for why we don’t need to listen to this message.] “Wait.  You’re talking to ME?” Yes.  And me.  I’m […]

How to Run a Faster 5k

…oh, I don’t know the answer to that!  Wait! Maybe I DO… Tip Number One:  Be not afraid to look very, very scary. Wowzers.  Okay, so that’s a start. Besides the the basic running things like faster foot turnover, better running form and get yourself fitted for running shoes… what is the best advice for […]

The Power of Consistency

I preach to my athletes:  Triathlon “success” is all about consistency.  Hit your workouts, put in your time, don’t ignore your HR zones, and you’ll get there. Where in the hells bells have I been?  Oh, that’s right… not following my own advice. Sure, I was a little burned out after 140.6 in October, then I was ill […]

Do I REALLY Need a Coach?

Having a triathlon coach to mentor you, write your training plans—and (most importantly) to talk you off the edge when you are freaking out— is, in my opinion, money well spent.  I have been a coached athlete since January of 2011, and I know it’s been the best thing for me. There’s been a lot of […]

Training and the Family Dynamic

The most common question I receive is: “How do you get to a half Ironman or an Ironman, manage all that training with a job and a family?” The only answer to that question is:  carefully I have an upcoming article in Triathlete coming out in a few months where I talk in-depth about my experience with Ironman […]

Spandex Who!?

One of the most challenging parts about our amazing sport is the attire. OH lawdy, the tight, sausage-inducing clothing that we must wear in races.  This little poster has made its way around the internet for awhile now.  (And yes, this actually was me in 2012, Ironman 70.3 Augusta). I do think we are very brave! […]

Sometimes, the Past is Good

Living in the past and driving yourself crazy with regrets and “what ifs” is a tough way to live.  No one wants to be stuck in the past, really. I think many of us are stuck in the past–reliving our “glory days” or the lost loves of our lives, or whatnot.  Those are the kinds of […]

Learning to Run

The most daunting part about triathlon for me, in the beginning (and still), was (is) running.  I think, for the most part, people come to triathlon as runners.  Or swimmers.  Or cyclists.  Me?  Well, I came to triathlon as Choice D, “None of the above.” But I think there is a natural progression for runners to become […]

The Sucky Rotation Schedule

Received this email this morning, and with the permission of the sender, I thought I’d post here… and respond. I feel like her question/concerns are a very common one for us Swim Bike Moms, so here goes: Hey Meredith [that’s my real name, in case any of you didn’t actually know. 🙂 ] I’ve been […]