Just Keep MOVING Forward

As I drove away from our house this morning at 4:30, I had a million things going through my brain. I had been awake for hours before… mostly because the Expert woke up around 1:30 with stomach pains, and I thought—-OMG… my food poisoning from Wednesday was actually a stomach virus and the Expert had caught it —and […]

You Are What You Eat

Well, on Tuesday, I  did, in fact, tear into some fried chicken and macaroni & cheese.  Yes, I threw *most* of it into the trash, and *most* of it did not get eaten. However, I am pretty sure that I had enough in that few bites of chicken and one giant mouthful of macaroni to […]

Stages…mid life crisis?

Yesterday my baby turned three. THREE. So…technically he is not a baby. He is still my baby, so I will likely continue to refer to him as “the baby.” I’m sad. I love being a mom. I have four kids, but if I had more money and didn’t have to work, I would probably have […]

15.5 Weeks

Of course things are nuts right now with the Swim Bike Fam.  We’ve covered that.  And in the middle of the nuttiness, I have another thing going on—Ironman training.  And I have no idea how, or when, or how, or how, or how, or how I am going to cross that Ironman finish. But somehow, […]


It may seem like I have fallen off the planet recently. (You know, blogging 1-2 times a week instead of 1-2 times a day :))  And I sort of have. Because life—the big crazy day-to-day L-I-F-E—-has been so busy, so stressful, and yet—strangely so blessed. No one really knew, but the dear Expert became unemployed […]

Product Review: Saucony Virrata

Sponsored post. All opinions are my own. FTC Disclosure here. I would like to say that I had one of my greatest running breakthroughs wearing these shoes… And well, I sort of did. You can read the full post here, but really, here’s what happened the first day I wore the Saucony Virratas. I am […]