First Race Jitters

Tomorrow is the my first tri race.  For me, however, it’s not a race.  Rather, tomorrow is a huge workout that I pray to complete without heart attack, major embarrassment or split pants, and hopefully, in under two hours.  I am so excited.

Slip into Psycho

I slipped into psycho and paid my registration fee for the Douglasville Last Chance Triathlon.  The interesting fact of the matter —– the Tri takes place this Sunday.  As in two days from now.  I ran a 5k race last week (at the pace of an injured turtle, mind you), so in my mind, I am prepared […]


From Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist…. “Left uninterrupted, we are likely to interrupt ourselves. The Internet, everyone’s interrupter of choice, is the most tantalizing type of reward system to our brain: intermittent but unpredictable rewards, in the form of a randomly great video or a juicy email here or there. (This is also why kids love […]

Mental Giant, Empty Bucket

Mental Giant, I am not. Scratch that.  Mental Giant, I have not been in the past.  I was often completely prepared and capable of [———fill in the blank for whatever here———], but would often mentally defeat my own ability to do/finish/handle/win.  The shiniest example of this was when I tried to make the 1998 Junior Worlds […]

19 Miles…

….road biking at the Silver Comet Trail.  Found this sign by a bridge.  A little funny, considering…5 tonnage is how I am feeling today.


Today was the Georgia Race for Autism at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds.  I participated in the 5k run, which was only the third 5k of my life.  My time was far from stellar and by most standards is horrifically slow (38:43)… but actually running the whole race, hills included, was fantastic. The only goals I had etched in stone: 1) […]