Front Row Seat

My spining class is full of hardcore triathlete, Iron-people types and is led by the King of Iron himself, Ironman G. I am definitely one of the worst athletes in the room. This class is unlike most spinning classes that I have attended which are full of pregnant woman and non-sweating blonde ladies. This class […]


It’s been about 11 hours since I finished my spinning class and 5k brick training. Officially, I cannot move. I am made of rubber. Magic Friday relax-o-rubber, but rubber nevertheless.

Operation Do Not Drown

This morning’s swim was more of a mission not to drown. I exaggerate, okay. But every single muscle in my body, down to my eyelids, is sore. I managed fifty laps in the 25 yard pool, so almost three-quarters of a mile (0.71 mi). I also managed to swim much more continuously today without stopping, […]


After my lame falls off my bike yesterday, I am hurting pretty badly. The elbow and the hand not as much as last night, but my side and ribs are throbbing today. I am one clumsy girl, and this is a messy sport for a clutz, I can see that already. Nevertheless, I managed to […]

Comet Crash and Burn

Headed to the Silver Comet Trail today in Smyrna to test out my bike and recover from the horrible monster gear incident. I was excited. I learned to properly change a tube/tire today, and I was armed with the Expert’s (my husband’s) C02 pump. The ride was great. Well, until I fell twice. Total crash-o-la. […]


Sprint Triathlons: The Possible Dream “…The horn sounds. You run down the beach to the ocean, dive into the waves, heart pounding. You round the first buoy, then the second, the third, fourth, and fifth. Suddenly you’re headed for the shore. You run up the beach, strip out of your wet suit at the transition […]

Laboring Day

This morning was Ironman G’s spin class. Stoked. Time for ass beating. Before class when I was getting my bike together, IG snuck up behind me and I almost jumped out of my shammy shorts as he asked me: How’s the training going? Yes, that’s right. IG asked me about my training. Yes, that’s right. […]

Swim Cheat Sheet

This morning, I swam 46 lengths of the outside pool, or 23 laps. That’s great for me, but I have no idea how far that is. So, I called the gym to get the scoop. The inside pool at Concourse Athletic Club is 25 meters. The outside pool is 25 yards. I employed the Expert […]