Tuesday. And a Surprise.

Today is a good day.  Mostly because it’s 3:00 and I have already eaten two avocados. I love avocados, boy do I. Another good thing was the bike ride this morning. Dropped the kids off at summer camp, and hustled back to get in my ride before the workday. Admittedly, I was about an hour […]

“I Forgot You are Doing an Ironman”

So someone asked me recently about my training.  I mentioned that I was taking on Ironman Lake Placid in, oh, 50 days. And they said, “Oh my gosh. I forgot you are doing an Ironman.” Then I realized out eerily quiet I have been about this upcoming, third 140.6. I mean, really quiet. (For me. […]

Ironman Texas & Inspiration

Hit the road and air on Thursday for Houston, Texas for our second advisory board meeting for Women for Tri at Ironman Texas. I flew in a little later than some of the others, but had time for a lovely dinner and cocktail with my friend and Editor-in-Chief (and Women for Tri board member), Julia […]

Half Ironman 70.3 Packing List

As I started making the dreaded march towards packing for a 70.3 this weekend (my fifth 70.3—wow, I’m getting “old” at this!), I heard many folks screaming about what to pack and where’s their list, etc. This is a general list that can likely be applied to any distance from Sprint to 70.3, with modifications.  I […]

Finally! Triathlon Clothing for ALL Women!

Hot triathlon race gear for ALL women! (For the moms, non-moms, pet moms, and all you single ladies, married ladies…young, wiser… you get the idea). For the Every Woman. Sizes XS to 4XL. Available now for order from Swim Bike Sell​.

Tuesday Thoughts

When I was training for my first Ironman in 2013, I would religiously track the weather the days leading up to the long ride on the weekends. “Oh no, it’s going to rain, guess I’m on the trainer for 4 hours. Six hours.” I would set up my trainer. Get Netflix ready. Lube up the […]

Why We Tri

100 Days. Well, 99 days until Ironman Lake Placid.  (But who’s counting. I started this post yesterday). I remember how I felt 100 days before my first Ironman in 2013.  Unsure of what I was doing (even though I had a coach).  Unsure of why I was doing it (the Expert had lost his job, I wasn’t […]

50 Women to Kona, Mud, Social Media and Rain

Today, I endured an amazing and wet and muddy 48 miler at the Cartersville Budweiser Plant. The Expert, “You can’t be seriously going riding in this weather.” To which I said, “Yes, yes I can. Every single rainy cycling day before Ironman Coeur d’Alene? I sat on my trainer and watched the damn sun come […]

The Big Scary

Many of you probably already know that my foolish tail signed up for Ironman Lake Placid, which takes place in July.  And yes, that’s leaving Ironman Louisville still on the table for October.  And yes, I am fully aware of how dumb and crazy it is to do two Ironman races in one year. My […]