Today I *went for a run, and I *did not die.⁠

I *did not worry that I would be blamed for a robbery in my *safe community because of the *color of my skin, or the *way I wore my clothes.⁠

I was *not concerned that a truck would chase me down and threaten my life.⁠

I *do not have to fear when I see a confederate flag on a truck with a shotgun rack (even though I think it’s disgusting), I do not worry for my life.

When I was pulled over by the Mass State Patrol, I *did not worry about a wrong hand gesture, reaching for my registration, being blink judged as a weapon. (And I *got out of the ticket.)

Today, I ran with *bougie headphones in my *expensive running shoes, *without worrying that I would be harmed. ⁠

And while of course I *could be harmed, I *felt safe. Knowing that even if I was assaulted, I am *able-bodied and *could run or fight.⁠

And… if this theoretical fight came to me killing my assaulter, I *would not have doubt or judgments on me. It would *clearly be self-defense.

The *justice system would respond quickly to the plight, and would need not wait for a *community to rally, *have their voices heard, or *create fundraisers for justice.⁠

There would be *no doubt that I acted in self-defense. No side-eyes, not doubts because of the color of my skin.⁠

The media would make me a hero:⁠
“*White woman, age 40, in a *quiet community in *Massachusetts was assaulted. *Heroically, she *fought and killed her assailant. She is a former *attorney, *married to a *white *male *scientist, *mom of two *able-bodied, *healthy children, and is committed to *making our community safer.”

Today, I am *a runner.
Today, I *did not die.⁠

Every (*) marks a point of privilege–just before 10am.

Time to speak out, tell the truth and be honest about what is really going on in our country. ⁠

I stand with my black brothers and sisters (and cousins!), and am committed to being a white voice to what you are already doing. I support black activists and visionaries; I’m not recreating this moment, taking credit for this message. But I am standing with them to fight for an end to this senseless, savage and tragic truth of our country.
