This is a real feeling. Being lonely. Being in a grief storm. To feel that no one cares. “Why doesn’t anyone check on me? My friends are not calling, texting or inviting me places. Why doesn’t anyone give a rip about me?”


👉The bad news:



👉The good-ish news:



The #Truth is that people don’t reach out for many reasons.


Most likely, people are busy with their own lives. I know my #same24hours are full, and yours are too. We are busy. It’s hard to remember everyone outside the immediate circle. That’s a truth, and people should be given grace for that small fact.


But the big one: others don’t reach out because we (lonely ones) are too busy acting like life is great.


We’re posting pictures of awesomeness. Smiles. “Perfect” kids and glossy lips. Coffees and perfectly curated homes, meals and whatever.


So: if we are projecting that we (and our worlds) are 100% FINE, how will anyone know we are in need of anything? How will anyone know we are lonely?


Another hard thing is that sometimes when people are hurting (and it’s obvious), others don’t reach out because they have no idea what to say.


But hold up.


Because THIS is the behavior we must to stop.


If you KNOW someone is suffering, going through pain and loss, and YOU (as the knowing person) don’t reach out because you “don’t know what to say”?




We must set aside this ego. Send a text. Call. Message. Say, “I am thinking about you.” Something. And then do it every time you DO think of them (within reason that won’t get you arrested).


So in summary: two types of #Nonsense here.


And both involve communication.


💚Tell others you are hurting, so they know.

💙Say/Do/Provide/Mean/Share something to others when you know they are hurting.


Imagine what a world that would be, if we operated on those two principles.


I’ll start: Today, I am struggling with feeling like I matter. So many words and files. I feel like I scream into the void sometimes. That it’s all a wordy waste. While not “true,” (I know)… that’s just today.


And just speaking that makes me feel better. So thanks for listening.

Now your turn…