You need not fix all your Nonsense or the Other People’s Nonsense right this fresh second.

(Another hint: You cannot fix anyone. And you yourself do not actually need fixing–you aren’t broken.)

The first step is to IDENTIFY what is Nonsense in your Life.

Not someone else’s Nonsense… YOURS.

In order to make changes, we first have to see the Truth.

That is often the worst part, because there is a leveling that must occur. This meeting-yourself-on-the-Life-yoga-mat, and recognizing, “Okay, this is where I am today. This is what is true about my life.”

That analysis of self?


But you cannot deal with your Nonsense until you see it.

“Okay, what is my Nonsense?”

Ask yourself this question: “What is the biggest thing standing in the way of my Health, Happiness and Success RIGHT NOW?”

Ask that question, and be honest.

Step Two: Breathe

That’s all. The change can come when you are ready. You don’t have to change everything (or anything) right now. You can choose to wait, to move, to stay, or to simple be still and breathe.

For now, just see what is in your way.

The choice about when and what to do about that thing in your way? It’s always YOURS.


Interested in taking your Nonsense-ridding mission to the next level?

Check out my coaching options–for everybody and every budget.