I get it. The emails. The posts.

“It’s so much. Who cares about these preorders of this book?”

But really I wrote this BOOK FOR YOU.

Remember that time you had a job interview, and you couldn’t wait for the return call?

Remember when you were a kid and you were praying/hoping you received that CD player for your birthday?

Remember when you worked so hard on something, and you just hoped that you got the promotion, finished the race, got the approval you’ve been dying for?

Remember when you put your heart and soul into something, and you are trying to PROVE YOUR WORTH?

That’s sort of how I feel right now. Like Christmas plus job interview plus burning my hands on a stove, plus the exhaustion coming off the bike, but still with a run to go–all combined.

I also know that I’m not here to PROVE MY WORTH. But let’s be real… that’s exactly what some of this is.

I quit my job as a lawyer to be a writer.
I stopped making a “real” living to help others.
And let’s not even talk about podcasts. 💜
This IS about my worth. It is.
I wrote this book FOR YOU.

If you are suffering, dealing with shame, heartbreak, self-sabotage, addiction, childhood trauma, dysfunction, depression and pain…

I wrote this BOOK FOR YOU.

I know the posts are a lot. I know the emails are a lot. I appreciate all of you still sticking with me. And those who are unsubscribing, that’s okay too.

If you haven’t preordered the book yet, please do. It’s an ask, I know.

But Cyber Monday is in our favor. It’s $9 right now.

Audio Version of The Year of No Nonsense is $9.47

Kindle Version is $9.99and of course,

you can still get the Paperback for a discount too.

Two weeks from TOMORROW! 📚