I was interviewed by THE BOSTON GLOBE today.

I am super excited about this article (which will run on Sunday!)… because the journalist asked the really hard questions:

What will the people in your past think of the language you use in this book?
What drives you to tell the Truth about your life?
How has a Year of No Nonsense changed you?
What does it actually mean?

She peppered me with really great questions for almost 20 minutes, and my pits were sweating before I was done.

As I hung up the phone, I knew what Brene Brown meant when she said, “I had a vulnerability hangover.”

This book?

Is one giant Vulnerability Hangover.

But that’s when you know it is RIGHT. And TRUE. And REAL.

My challenge for you:

Ask yourself how, in 2020, you can really stand in YOUR Truth.

I uncovered a lot in my Year of No Nonsense. I don’t regret a word I wrote. I may regret a few misspellings and ways I said things. But I also know that I can live with it. Because I know I want to help people suffer less–especially in ways I know I can help: with Nonsense eradication.

I cannot live another second living someone else’s version of WHO I AM.

This book is a declaration of my freedom.
I pray it is a road for you to find YOURS.

I am excited for you to have this book.
If you haven’t ordered your copy, please, please do!

The Year of No Nonsense:

Audio Version
Kindle Version

8 Days! 📚