“It’s not about the WEIGHT. It’s about the weight of LIFE, and how you COPE with it.” – Something apparently I said 😆 ⁠

2012 (pictured here) doesn’t go down as my finest year. 2013 was outwardly successful because I did my first IRONMAN, but then 2014 was probably the bottom of the bottom, with 2015 (despite two big IRONMAN finishes) being the driver that set me on a better path.⁠
And I didn’t get it perfect, either. ⁠
And I still don’t.⁠
Last night for example: ice cream, not sticking to my meal plan, and ALSO (here’s the key)… not beating myself up over it. Because why? I am COPING right now. Coping with A LOT.⁠
And it ain’t “self-care” helping me. It’s SELF-COMPASSION. Forgiveness. And TRUTH.⁠
One of my client messaged me this quote this morning — apparently with some of my own words–about the weight of life. I needed a dose of my own medicine. 😆💊 ⁠
When LIFE is feeling too heavy, that’s when we SUFFER. Outward appearance–sure–but it’s not about that. I can look at this picture and remember THAT feeling. The feeling of two very young kids not sleeping, a hangover, some Mexican food and a series of stressful work days—just trying to get in a workout here. Trying ANYTHING to save me. To spare myself suffering.⁠
I haven’t FIXED it all. ⁠
You know why? ⁠
Because I ain’t broke. (That’s my Southern coming out, BTW.)⁠
But with 100% conviction, I can tell you that I suffer FAR less on a daily basis than I did in 2012, 2014, 2015.⁠
So as we head into the New Year, with all these plans to FIX yourself? They aren’t needed. TRUST ME.⁠
You don’t need FIXING. You just need a way to go, a path, and some action. Just need a way that will make you FEEL better, create small changes, and #JustKeepMovingForward.⁠
That’s your Hump Day #TruthOnion.⁠
