I found myself nodding as I spoke with Sarah Ban Breathnach. As she told me about her “vision board” back in the early 1990’s, after Simple Abundance had been rejected over thirty times (or was it by thirty publishers). How she kept going, never giving up, making the hard choices.

I felt this–with all of my heart and current space.

Simple Abundance went on to sell over 5 million copies, and top the New York Times Best-Seller list for two years–spending an entire year at Number One.

Sarah had written the affirmation that she would be a New York Times Best Seller on her vision board, on post-its.

She believed. She worked.

And it happened for her.

I told her how I light my Oprah candle, and have one for the NYT list as well–a candle, a post-it, a new book coming out as a Hail Mary.

I believe. I work. Maybe it’s time…

You can order her 25th anniversary edition of Simple Abundance here.

I hope you enjoy this episode. Sarah inspired me with her wisdom, grace, and of course, her gratitude.

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