Tuesday was a blur. I have been shaking a head cold for what feels like weeks. I know it’s not weeks, but it feels like it.

As far as food, I’m sure I had some eggs and kale and something else not so delicious.  I had  an hour bike and swim for workout.

Oh, the Expert made tandoori chicken and cabbage. The cabbage I loved. I’m still having a hard time eating chicken right now. I don’t know WTH is going on.

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The head cold of the century is still getting me down.

Also, I feel kind of like a head case myself. I’m learning weird things about myself in the absence of processed food, sugar, Mexican food, pizza and wine.

Photo Credit:

I need therapy.

Oh! I do have to jump up and down about this recipe:  Zoodles & Sauce!

What are Zoodles? Well, it’s actually zucchini! Nom Nom Paleo has a post about it here.

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Get it? Noodles + zucchini = ZOODLES!

And wowzers, using this slicer, it was so easy to slice six zucchini into “noodles.”  Steamed in microwave for 3 minutes with lid on casserole dish.

Whipped up a grass-fed beef sauce with Mario’s help, (Whole30 compliant!)… plus a can of fire roasted organic tomatoes and a sliced red pepper and onion….

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OMGood. So good.

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I have really been missing food like this.

Totally hit the spot, and I didn’t even miss the pasta. Seriously.


What is SBM’s Eight to Great?

So I started the SBM Eight to Great to give us all some motivation and incentive to be better together.  Eight weeks of full commitment. So whatever changes are you are going to make, whatever eating regime you plan to follow, let’s do the healthy things together.  We already have almost 700 people on the Facebook group! You can join the Facebook group here.  And yes, you can start anytime.  This is about changing YOUR life. So let’s go!

The main tenets of the Eight to Great are:

1) Eat clean– no junk food, no (or very limited) processed food, low (or no) sugar, no booze or Filet-o-Fish sandwiches (written more with myself in mind here). I am following Whole 30, but there are many ways to get to healthy—-we all must find what works for us.

2) Train hard – work hard in your workouts with your big goals in mind. If you need a free beginner tri guide, go here.

3) Just Keep Moving Forward – if you fall down, you pick yourself back up and go!

Go here to sign your commitment to GREAT, and get ready for an amazing, life-changing 8 weeks! Go here to download an awesome goal-setting worksheet from Whole 30.

5 Responses

  1. Love zucchini noodles! Those are definitely going into dinner rotation this for next week. This week I’ve been eating way too many quinoa stuffed zucchinis. Clearly I love zucchini too much, but better than eating something horrible for me I guess.

  2. I love zoodles! Just had spaghetti for dinner last night too. I started Whole 30 the same day as you, and I’m totally loving it! Feeling great!
    That oatmeal comic is totally me, too!

  3. I had some pattypan squash sliced thin with meat sauce or dinner the other day while the rest of the family had regular pasta. Its was really good even if not noodle shaped.

  4. SBM, do you think your cold is from a virus or could it be symptoms of detoxing? I know when I first start eating clean I usually go through a “healing crisis” that feels like a cold. Just a thought.

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