I couldn’t believe I was back on crutches today. Ridiculous.

Why oh why?  Was my left foot was feeling ignored with all the attention the right foot received over Broke-Foot-a-palooza? So I decided to fall off my wedge sandal (yet again)? Only this time, using my “good” foot.

Crack! Off the shoe. The fireworks that flew out of my Fourth of July mouth… Oh my.

The Expert and I had a great evening, nice dinner, and decided to do the “healthy” thing and walk off the dinner on a one mile trek back to the hotel to watch the fireworks.

About 100 yards from the hotel, I lost my footing on an uneven manhole, slid off my wedge and felt a familiar pain.

“No no no, not again,” I screamed.  [I screamed other things until I saw all the kids standing around.]

The Expert shook his head, his eyes wide.

“I can walk, I can keep moving and it will be okay,” I said to him.

So we did.  We walked down to the river to watch the fireworks. As I was standing there, I had the feeling that I might not be able to walk back up unassisted.  Better move while I could.

“I need to go up to the room and ice this thing,” I told the Expert, pointing to my foot.  As we headed up to the room, the fireworks began right above us on Hutchinson Island.

From the window, we watched half a fireworks show and the Expert forced my foot into a trashcan full of ice. I cried.  My other foot. Seriously?

We went to bed.  I prayed that it would be okay.  Or more like, Please God, please not again. I start my new job Monday.  Our health insurance is gone… please no more Wilson.

Around 4:30 in the morning, I sat up to go to the bathroom.  I stood up on the foot and crumpled to the ground.  Crap crap crap. The pain was all too familiar.

“I need help,” I said to the Expert as I was hobbling to the bathroom.

Turns out that at some point I passed out.  I woke up in a cold sweat.  The Expert got some orange juice and forced it down me.  I knew my stinking foot was broken.

A few hours later, I had located the Savannah doctor’s office that had operated on my seventh grade broken foot  and had a 10:30 appointment.  The Expert tried not to wring my neck from wearing stupid shoes yet again. He wheeled me out on the hotel wheelchair and left me curbside while he retrieved our 70.3 car.

My angel grandparents had dropped off some crutches for me and my angel father brought the crutches to us at the doctor, while my angel mother watched the two children at her house.  Bless them all.  Their klutz of a daughter/granddaughter/wife/mother. For shame.

Almost two hours later, x-rays, prodding and “Does this hurt here?” and holding my breath.

No broken bones.  The doctor proceeded to tell me how lucky I was because the 5th metatarsal was a battleground for these types of shoe-induced injuries.  Really? I had no idea.

So I am dealing with a sprain.  The doc said 3-6 days might do the trick.  He also said it might be 3-6 weeks.

I am thinking positively. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days. 3 days.

Positive Thinking Temporary Tattoo – ConsciousInk.com

I emailed Coach Monster.  “Throw away those effing shoes!” he sent via iPhone. Done and done.

So now what?  70.3 Augusta still on the books? Good gracious, I hope so.

But in the meantime, I will….

20 Responses

  1. Oh no, Meredith! I am so sorry your feet (or at least your shoes) keep betraying you!

    3 days! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. As you say, “Keep moving forward!” Stay positive and you’ll be back at it in no time. I just got the okay today, to start training again. Only 1/3 the volume for the next 6 weeks, but it is something. I think I’ve given up on girly-shoes. 🙁

  3. Connie, I’m with you girl! I go for comfort over fashion…as much as it kills the fashionista in me, after having a Morton’s neuroma from wearing heels, it’s been nothing but flats/comfortable shoes since. Running is way more important to me than cute wedges. (*sob* I still miss them, though!)

  4. Oh, I am so sorry! You will heal fast!! I am healing from a Jones fracture – 5th metatarsal, left foot. Non-weightbearing cast, in my 4th week. Fracture on a run:(. And I am out of Augusta. Best of luck and keep us posted!!!!

  5. Those darn wedges! I did a similar thing, only in an airport. I could hardly put weight on it, but somehow it got better relatively quickly. I used a cold/compression unit (Aircast Cryo/Cuff IC**) three times a day, and wore a walker boot. Probably overboard, but I was back in the pool 3 days later, on a bike 5 days later (no climbing to start), and walk/run about 10 days post injury. Good luck with it, keep it elevated! You’ll be back up in no time. And no more wedges! (Although I still haven’t learned my lesson, they’re too darn cute!)

  6. WTF!

    Oh yea…the 5th metatarsal! I snapped mine in two one year just from stepping off of a curb in Keen sandals. There’s no heel to those. It was just the way I stepped off of the freckin’ curb. Crap! I had surgery to pin it and was in a walking boot for 6 weeks. Whaaa…

    I’m sooooo glad that yours isn’t broken. Shew!

  7. Just wandered to your blog via the Bia Kickstarter site. And when I saw your double-foot-doozie, I just had to comment. Because the story…is all too familiar. A few years ago, I wrenched an ankle trail running. Serious, serious wrench, and high ankle sprain = booted up to my knee and “no weight bearing”. Crutches were a pain in my small apartment, so I took to hopping around. This was a great plan – until I fracture two metatarsals in my “good” foot with all that hopping. Talk about the universe sending a message…

    Not having insurance is not a good thing – but on the plus side, at least it saves you the time & embarrassment of trying to explain two sets of Drs visits, x-rays, boots, etc on different feet… As I tried to get this sorted out, I had an insurance agent suggest that, perhaps I should wrap myself in bubble wrap…

    So: You aren’t alone as you might feel. Heal up quickly!

  8. UGH… that’s the same fracture I had back in Feb. Sucks. But the good news is that it seems to get better every day 🙂

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