Yesterday was a rest day for me, which I was welcoming with open arms.

But as I walked to the bathroom at work – poof, out of nowhere – my left hamstring (or hammer, in old school weightlifting speak) starts bothering me.  And it gets worse throughout the day.  Who gets hurt on rest day?  I totally feel like Vector from Despicable Me (“These aren’t pajamas! This is a WARM UP SUIT!“)  So, I grab ice and sit with my leg up at my desk so people could say: “huh huh, what’s wrong with your leg” and that sort of thing.  I ice all night. I’m cursing this – why does walking to the bathroom get me injured?  (Although I am thinking back, and it could have been those squats and leg presses last week – I remember feeling a twinge….)

So, like avoiding the flu last week, I am now thinking my left hammer well and fine and dandy.  I was supposed to do a spin class today per training scheduled.  Instead, I will wait and ice all day…see if I can spin tonight at home on the bike.

No time for this!  No time, I say!

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