So the Expert and I were at the park today with the kiddos, and after sending James & Stella down the fireman’s pole a few times….the Expert told me to take a whirl down the pole.

“Oh no, I can’t.”

“Why?” he asked.

“I’ve never done it,” and when I see his mouth turn into a huge grin, I say, “And I won’t!”

After some coaxing, I did it.  Well, or something like it.

Yes, I’m Meredith.  I am scared of the playground pole. So scared that I sat on the edge before I slid down, and I just stretched my legs and reached for the ground.

This showing is just plain pitiful.

Still… it makes me realize how much time I’ve wasted, not doing things as simple as sliding down a pole, wearing sweaters in the summer, dancing around things that could be life-changing.

I think that’s what feels so wonderful about triathlon. You can’t really dance around triathlon – gotta grab the bull by the horns and go for it.  No matter how ridiculous it may feel or seem (or look).

Happy Sunday, ya’ll.  Hope you have a great week.

5 Responses

  1. I have taken on the attitude that someday when I am talking to my grandkids I don't want to look back on my life and say "I wish I had", I want to be able to say " Let me tell you about the time I …." 🙂

  2. SO so true. I have thought the same thing often – what else can I tackle now? Love your blog!

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