Why Side-by-Side Photos Saved My Life

Part of the problem with social media is the comparison culture. The before and afters, the #TBT (throwback Thursday) and #TT (transformation Tuesday) posts and pictures. Worse than that is the focus on looks and lighting and angles. Yep, I am a pro at this. Look at these two pictures, taken seconds apart. In one, […]

The Truth of “You Are What You Eat”

What we think and say to ourselves becomes our destiny—good or bad, right or wrong, weak or strong. In the same vein, I loathe the statement:  You are what you eat. Let me drag out my eating-disordered-chubby-kid-fat-adult-weight-struggling soap box and dust it off for this one. First, who said we are what we eat? Who was […]

The Sucky Rotation Schedule & The Suck Line

It’s baaaack!  I’m talking about this puppy again! A few years ago received an email from a reader, and it went something like this: I am racing my first 70.3 in a few months. I do most of my workouts when my family is asleep — this translates to 4:30am mornings. Even still, the long […]

Starting Small = Big Results on a Whole Life Overhaul

The last blog post apparently raised a LOT of questions. The summary of the post was basically – you gotta know why you are pursuing certain goals or the fire won’t stay lit–it won’t be enough to keep going.  [My coach called me out on this a few weeks ago. Sometimes I think I exist […]

The Year of No Nonsense

Shonda Rimes (producer of shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal) has a great book called The Year of Yes,  where she, as a former ‘no to everything’ type gal started to say yes–to events, to invitations and more. She basically started showing up to her own life, and everything changed for her. I know that feeling. I took some […]

A Freaking Long December

Today’s email went out, and I figured I would share here on the blog too, because it received such a huge response in my inbox. By the way, if you’d like to receive the below type of email to your inbox from me from time to time, don’t forget to subscribe (form is at the […]

3 Ways to Let Go of the Number on the Scale

I posted this post on Instagram this morning, and it flooded me with emails and comments. Summary:  Today I tried on jeans from 2005.  In 2005, I was 17 pounds lighter than I am now.  These “magical skinny jeans”–come on, we all have a pair–well, they fit today because I am fitter, more muscular, healthier […]


Last year, I listened Rich Roll’s episode with Andrew Taylor. This Andrew guy is interesting because he’s known as the “Potato Man.” Basically, Taylor was 300 pounds and decided that he’d had enough… So he committed to eating NOTHING BUT POTATOES for a year. “Okay, so that’s a little weird.” (Or is it revolutionary??) I listened […]

When I Am Suffocating, I Do Two Things

Last night before the kids went to bed, the Expert made a bargain with our daughter–age almost-nine. She had a math assignment to complete–which by the way, she totally fibbed about completing–and he bargained that she could do it in the morning. As the Expert left the house this morning (after making lunches–I will give […]