I Do Three Things.

I have written many, many times about the importance of accepting ourselves as athletes, as runners, as triathletes. I have written over and over about the importance of not downplaying our accomplishments–no matter how big or how seemingly small.  To own the athletes we are.  To work hard to get better… but be thankful right where […]

4 Reasons to Flip Upside Down

So I have been going to CrossFit for the last month–just twice a week, in place of my regular strength training regimen.  I was very resistant to CF for many reasons–one big one which was my past in weightlifting. Sometimes the past is best to remain there, after all. I have been swimming, biking and […]

Work Ethic and Temper Tantrums (Fast Twitch to Slow Twitch, Part III)

In the prior post, I started a blog series talking about how being an Olympic weightlifter translated (or didn’t) to the sport of triathlon. First, being “bendy” was good in weightlifting, and also is good in triathlon. Sad part?  (I am not still this bendy.) I am bendy in other ways. The word “talentless” (as […]

Olympic Weightlifter to Triathlete (Fast Twitch to Slow Twitch)

Someone emailed me and asked if I would write about how my former sport of Olympic weightlifting translated into me becoming an endurance athlete later in life. Simply put: No translation.  Lost in Translation.  Apples and Oranges. But that is not completely true. Many don’t know the whole story of my previous-life athletic feats (and non-feats). […]