Living in the Now.

Every once in a while, I have one of those “character building” workouts.  Now, granted, each time my body gets in a bike saddle or laces up shoes to run, I am technically building a whole helluva lot of character (compared to my former year 2010 self). Still.  When I really think back on the […]

The Sucky Rotation Schedule

Received this email this morning, and with the permission of the sender, I thought I’d post here… and respond. I feel like her question/concerns are a very common one for us Swim Bike Moms, so here goes: Hey Meredith [that’s my real name, in case any of you didn’t actually know. 🙂 ] I’ve been […]

A Whole New Meaning to HUMP DAY

So driving in to work today, I decided I would write something about getting motivated to do workouts when ya just don’t feel like it. Speaking of… look at these LAZY Swim Bike Kids walking their bikes up this hill yesterday! “Get on it kids! Hill repeats!” Sheesh! 🙂 I have been feeling lazy and […]

Good Things and a Serious Friday Rant

Now that the aftermath of Florida 70.3 has died down, and the horrendous blisters on my feet are starting to dry up (lucky you, you wanted to know that), I am faced with on the semi post-race crabbies.  But it’s not that bad. I actually feel really good (with the exception of the nasty cold […]

Ironman 70.3 Florida: The Swim Bike Mom Race Report

In this fourth installment of a half Ironman race report, I am still sweating and feeling sunburned (ah-hem, another lesson learned… a little invention called sunscreen…who knew!?). Ironman 70.3 Florida Haines City, Florida April 13, 2014 Swim:  43:54 Bike:  3:09:39 Run:  ETERNITY INFINITY Total Time:  7:42:15 Traveling Down The Expert and I hit the road […]

Touche, People! Touche!

So my last post got a surprisingly interesting response—not really comment-wise, but a flood to my email inbox-wise!  Lots and lots of disappointment in my tone of the post and my attitude towards my upcoming race on Sunday (Ironman Florida 70.3). Also, Coach Brett immediately texted me:  I read your blog post. You need to […]

A Whole New Taper Worm

I have written about the Taper Worm before. This Taper Worm is a part of racing. And the Expert and I are headed straight to Ironman 70.3 Florida in six days, and there is a serious problem happening… Oh, the fact that very little swimming and biking and running happening… For those of you new […]