I love spinning class. I can’t get rides in during the week, so it’s the next best thing. But really, correction:  I love spinning class with Coach Monster, McBlessings and a scant few others.  I have had some bad spinning experiences to date, outside of my little Concourse Athletic Club bubble.

Yes, a bad spinning instructor is lethal.

But really, the workout is about gathering oneself and putting in the work no matter who is leading. And that is hard sometimes.

Still, I am beginning to think that the participants in a class are sometimes a bigger issue than crazy instructors.

I present you with SBM spinning etiquette.

1.  Add some resistance.  My tailbone hurts just watching you bounce all over the place. Tighten that knob down a little or you may be able to cancel your vasectomy appointment.

2.  Personal space.  Yes, in Le Tour, there is a peloton.  Here?  No. Don’t snuggle up next to me.  This here is an enormous room.  Roll your bike over four inches.  Especially if you are an offender of #5 and 6, below.

3.  Extreme clothing.  You should not wear a warm-up suit, gloves, and a beanie.  Really.  I can’t concentrate…..I can’t take my eyes off of you, because I am waiting to jump off my bike and perform CPR when you fall out from heat exhaustion.

4. Wipe up your mess.  If you sweat, clean it up.  If you puke, clean it up. If you have other leakages, wear a nappy.  If you blow a snot rocket in class, you are a Neanderthal and should be escorted out.  Enough said.

5.  Hold the beans.  Look.  We all fart. And an occasional public slippage is a part of life.  But you get one.  One toot, per class, per person, max.  If you are letting ’em rip through the entire class, you are nasty and should check yourself into the nearest zoo.  Get off your bike and take yourself somewhere else. 

6.  Stay Home.  Why did you wake up at 5am to come to class and pretend to workout?  Why are you chattering with your neighbor?  Why aren’t you sweating…at all?  Why do you look like you are strolling on a beach? And why are you pedaling at 150RPM on a hill??? Stop it. Go home!  Get out your big bike with a bell and go for a cruise. But give that spin bike to someone who is going to use it.

7.  Wear deodorant.  Last, but not least…. I don’t care how Matthew McConaughey you are.  You smell like feet. Correction: you smell like ass feet.  Do something about it.  We all have to ride around you.

Of course, if you are a beginner – ask the instructor how to set up your bike, what the class rules may be, and never be afraid to ask questions.  (Well, just not screaming out loud questions during the class… perhaps that should be #8).

Happy spinning, happy Friday, and Happy 4th of July everyone!

9 Responses

  1. As a spin instructor and a triathlete who's also a mom, I have to say I agree with most of what you say here! But, one thing you forgot is the socialites that like to "catch up" in spin class! My theory is: "If you can carry a full conversation during my spin class, you aren't working nearly hard enough! Get off your bike and go to Starbucks. When you're ready to work and sweat like the rest of us, then you can come back." Your blog makes me laugh because I can sooo relate. :o) Thanks for the laughs.

  2. I am happy to found your blog and this post. I am a spin instructor. I think the chatting bugs me most. Even worst, looking at the phone and texting! WTH! Why did you come? Here I am spitting out every inspirational thing I can think of, trying to coach you and you are texting. Let's work people! 🙂

  3. I just started spinning classes this week and decided to attend a class for 30 days. My goal is adapt, get use to a new work out and develop discipline. I can’t begin to tell you how my legs after 15years already are showing muscle form where I thought it was lost. Does your muscle remember after so many years of not cycling 16 miles a day.
    Bottom line I love cycling and can’t believe I ever stopped…there is not turning back now.
    Many thanks for the website…most helpful.

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