WORKOUTS – Week of February 20, 2011

Baby Brick:  16 mile bike, 1 mile run.  Hard work, great fun and lots of humor.

Sweet Recovery Week begins with a nice recovery day.

Swim: 1100m

Bike:  Spin class.

Run: 4.0 miles. I was supposed to monitor my heartrate, but really, I couldn’t bear another day of treadmill running, even though the treadmill is easier on my old lady hip and to keep the HR under control.  So I went outside.  I kind of gave up the control when my playlist hit some good music …so I just ran at one point, but it felt good.  I was faster than I believed I could be, as I noted previously.

Spin class with Ironman G.  Killer business as usual.  Sick sick sick. Half mile run before class to warm up.

Swim:  500m for time.  10:24
Run: 3.5 miles, HR in Zone 2.

0 (15.4 total). Go figure.

Life in general is doing everything possible to knock me off triathlon training.

Today, my momentum seems to be slowing, which is making me mad and I feel stupidly helpless (even though I am completely in charge of my own workouts, diet and destiny).  My patience for everything is slowing down.  It seems like the kids have been sick constantly lately, that I am managing to get nothing accomplished at home or at work, and I feel like I am flailing around. I’m not sleeping. Every little noise is driving me up a wall. I just want to sit in a dark closet and eat ice cream. In peace and quiet. Just a rough patch, I guess.

Two days of court coming up this week, one in another county.  Looks like I have sick kids to contend with.  So I need to regroup, refocus and figure all this garbage out so I can keep moving in a positive direction.  Forward.  Forward is a good direction.

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